
Nervous About Sending Your Kiddo Off To Kindergarten? Here’s How To Prep And Ensure They Feel Comfortable On Their First Day

So, if you have to go shopping for school supplies, turn it into a thrilling adventure!

Allow your child to pick out their own backpack or lunchbox. You could also invest in personalized supplies with their favorite colors or characters to make them more eager to use them in school.

By letting your kiddo have a say in their supplies, they will feel more independent and empowered walking into school.

Visit The Campus

If possible, take a tour of the elementary school with your child before the first day.

Meeting the teacher ahead of time is always great. And if that’s not doable, simply explore the classroom, show your child where the restrooms are, and get them excited about fun spaces– such as the playground or cafeteria.

Familiar surroundings breed comfort and confidence.

Talk About Feelings

Your child might have a lot of questions and emotions about starting school, especially if they haven’t watched an older sibling head to school before them.

So, don’t hesitate to open the floor for discussion. Talk about what they’re excited about or what might be causing concern. Sometimes, a simple chat does wonders.

Create A Goodbye Ritual

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