
She Had A Harrowing Experience With A Delivery Driver Who Refused To Leave Her House One Night After She Ordered Groceries

kinomaster - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

During the pandemic, a lot of people started ordering food from the comfort of home. This woman in her 30s was no different.

At the time, she lived alone, didn’t have a car, and there weren’t any stores nearby.

One night, she got back from work at 9 p.m. and didn’t have any food in the house. Naturally, she decided to order groceries through a delivery service. Because of social distancing rules, she selected for the delivery to be left at the door.

Later, there was a knock at her door.

“I saw a tall, skinny guy standing right by the door. I shouted through the mailbox slot to leave the groceries at the door and back up. He said no and that he had to hand it to me as the order had alcohol in it,” she said.

But she hadn’t ordered any alcohol. So, she told him that he had the wrong order. However, he insisted that it was correct.

“I told him sternly to put it on the floor and back up. Again, he refused. Stupidly (I was tired), I opened the door a crack and told him to do it due to COVID-19 rules, and he stepped towards the door and put his hand on the handle. I pulled it shut and shouted to leave it, or I was reporting him,” she continued.

Finally, he put her groceries down and stepped away from the door. Once again, speaking through the mailbox slot, she asked him to back up further. At first, he obeyed her request, but not for long.

When she opened the door once more, he again stepped closer.

kinomaster – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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