
She’s Excluding One Friend From Her All-Expenses-Paid Vacation This Year Because Last Year, Her Friend Acted Super Ungrateful

Michelle - illustrative purposes only

Three years ago, this 31-year-old woman created a little tradition in which she treats four of her best friends to a weekend getaway. Apparently, the annual trip is just to show her appreciation to her girlfriends.

But, just last year, one of her friends named Lauren started some serious issues on vacation. So, this year, she’s not too keen on inviting Lauren again.

For context, she and Lauren have been best friends ever since they met in college. Then, following graduation, they remained close despite having some issues in their friendship.

“I think Lauren is a flawed person, but I know that a lot of it came from self-esteem issues and growing up low-income. So, I tended to forgive her easily,” she said.

Still, in college, Lauren often struggled with the idea that she was “better,” which pushed Lauren to take a lot of her insecurities out on her.

Things simmered down after a while, though, since they don’t live in the same state anymore. That’s why she sees Lauren a lot less now, and her friend was invited to the first-weekend getaway.

However, Lauren wasn’t able to attend the first year, which is why her friend was extremely excited about last year’s trip.

She flew all of her friends out to Hawaii, and at first, things seemed to be going great. But then, out of nowhere, Lauren seemed really angry with her for no reason.

Throughout the weekend in Hawaii, Lauren kept making snide remarks about how much cash she spent on the trip– calling her privileged. Her friend also said that she was in the 1% and made comments about rich people.

Michelle – illustrative purposes only

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