
She’s Planning On Telling Her Sister That Her Children Need To Follow Her House Rules, Or They Are No Longer Allowed To Visit Her

maryviolet - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last couple of years, this 25-year-old woman has had issues with her sister, 29, when she comes to visit with her two children.

During these visits, her sister and her children stay in her house and go to theme parks in the San Diego area. She’s been comfortable with this arrangement, aside from some problems that started to arise because of her sister’s parenting style.

“My sister has very different parenting ideas than I would like in my home,” she explained. “She isn’t big on discipline and has gotten upset with me when I tell her kids to stop doing things.”

“For example, I have glass doors in my house going into the laundry room, and, on one visit, my nephew (then 6 months, now 7 months) was slamming the glass doors as hard as he could, and I was worried they would break.”

“I admittedly freaked out a little and snapped at him not to play with the doors, and my sister got upset and told me he was fine

Last week, her sister and her children came to visit again, and the children were, for the most part, on better behavior. However, her sister’s son caused some issues while they were at her house.

“Her son refuses to eat multiple things on the same plate,” she shared. “By the way, he is not neurodivergent–they’ve taken him to multiple doctors and have been told he is neurotypical.”

“For example, say we made spaghetti and had a side salad and bread. He would demand a plate for each thing, so three plates. He’d also demand two different forks for the spaghetti and salad, as well as a separate plate and fork for dessert.”

Because of this, she started buying paper dishes and plastic silverware in preparation for their visits.

maryviolet – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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