When You Start Planning Your Wedding, There’s Suddenly All Sorts of Vocabulary You Need To Know To Prepare For Your Big Day

Pavlo Melnyk - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only
Pavlo Melnyk - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only

When you start planning a wedding, there’s suddenly all sorts of wedding vocabulary you need to know to prepare for your big day.

For instance, did you know what a ‘blusher’ was before getting married?

Wedding terms and phrases can get a little confusing, especially if you don’t have a ton of wedding experience in general. But have no fear! Here are some basic terms used in various aspects of wedding planning and what they mean.

When it comes to bridal gowns, there are a few terms that are helpful to know. A ‘blusher’ is actually a term for a veil that is worn over the face and flipped over when the bride reaches the altar.

When purchasing a wedding dress, you may hear the term ‘buying off the rack.’ While fairly self-explanatory, buying a wedding gown off the rack means you purchase the gown as-is in the store instead of custom-ordering one. Many brides choose to buy off the rack as it’s a way to save some money!

Various kinds of floral arrangements are included in a wedding, and many of them have fancy names. A ‘cascade’ is a term for a bouquet of flowers, often carried by the bride, where the flower blossoms are woven and flow down to the bride’s waist level, giving them a cascading waterfall effect.

If you didn’t already know, a ’boutonnière’ is typically a single flower or floral decoration pinned to the lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket. The groom, groomsmen, ring bearers, and important male family figures wear them during a wedding.

‘Filler’ flowers are used in bouquets or floral centerpieces and are typically inexpensive flowers or plants that fill in any gaps between the more prominent, special flowers.

There are three terms used to describe the music used during a wedding ceremony – the ‘prelude,’ the ‘processional,’ and the ‘recessional.’ The prelude is the music or song that plays at the beginning of your ceremony as guests take their seats.

Pavlo Melnyk – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only

The processional is the song that plays as the bridal party and bride walk down the aisle, and the recessional is the music that plays as the happy couple make their way back up the aisle and exit the ceremony.

When planning your reception, using cards that let everyone know where they’ll be sitting is easy and effective! There are three types of cards you can use to make this happen.

‘Escort cards’ are typically placed on a table near the entrance to the reception. They include the guests’ names and the number of the table they’ll be sitting at. On all the tables at your reception, you’ll want to ensure you have organized ‘table cards’ that clearly display the table’s number.

Many couples choose to customize and decorate their table cards. One fun thing to do is add pictures of you and your fiancé at the age that corresponds with the table’s number. For instance, on table three’s card, you can add cute pictures of you and your partner from when you were three!

You can make your reception even more formal by adding ‘place cards,’ which designate each guest to a specific seat at each table and have their names printed on them. Place cards get added to the reception tables before people are allowed in.

There you have it. Knowing these basic wedding terms will make your planning process a lot smoother. Good luck and congratulations!

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