
He Wants To Leave His Wife After She Said She Couldn’t Care Less About His Kids

goodluz - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 40-year-old man and his wife, 41, have been married for nearly two years. They got married after being in a relationship for only eight months because she got pregnant.

“I’m tired of being beaten over the head with red flags,” he said.

Luckily, there hasn’t been any infidelity within their relationship. However, his wife didn’t tell him about the $50,000 that she had gotten from her ex-husband when he refinanced the house that she and her ex had owned together.

“At the time, I was struggling to hustle between jobs while waiting for a new job to start (about a four-month wait), racking up debt, and being treated like a failure for asking her to pay her own car payment for the months I was out of work,” he explained.

When he and his wife got married, they joined their two families together. He has two children from a previous marriage, and they are 10 and 8-years-old.

His wife has two children from her previous marriage as well, and her children are 14 and 12. Plus, he and his wife now have their 10-month-old baby together.

Unfortunately, his wife’s children had a tough time getting used to the new situation after they got married.

Since her children were a bit older when his wife and her ex-husband divorced, they were more emotionally affected and have taken a long time to heal from that.

Sadly, his wife hasn’t been doing the best job at helping her children get accustomed to their new family.

goodluz – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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