
If You Struggle To Cut Down On Clutter, This “Five A Day” Habit Is A Solution That Makes The Task Much Less Daunting

kostikovanata - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Most of us struggle to cut down the amount of clutter in our homes. From old makeup products invading our bathrooms to unused clothing taking up space in our closets, clutter is all around us.

However, it can feel impossible to set aside enough time to sort out our possessions. By the time the weekend rolls around, the last thing we want to be doing is cleaning.

Another aspect of clearing away clutter that makes it so difficult is that we grow attached to certain items and keep them around in case they come in handy in the future. But how often does that really happen?

If only there were some easy fix to organizing our homes. Luckily, there is! And that’s where the “five a day” method comes in.

The “five a day” rule is a simple way to achieve a clutter-free space that requires very little thought. It involves getting rid of five things each day, whether that happens to be refrigerator magnets or takeout menus.

Every day, pick a room to tackle and see what kinds of things you might unbury. Have a box available to throw unwanted items in. This allows you to focus on one area of your home at a time rather than decluttering your entire home at once, which can be overwhelming.

The best part is that this decluttering habit won’t eat into the time dedicated to your other household chores like doing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom.

You can do it while listening to an episode of your favorite podcast or waiting for your dinner to cook.

This approach to home organization can be tailored to your own needs. If five things a day sounds like too much, you can reduce it to two or three.

kostikovanata – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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