
She Got Up And Left Her Own Wedding In Tears After Her Parents Humiliated Her During Their Speech

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’re married, was there ever a moment during or leading up to your wedding that embarrassed you?

One woman had to get up and leave her wedding reception after her parents humiliated her during their speech.

She’s 26-years-old and recently married her husband. What she thought would be her dream wedding was ruined after her parents displayed a bunch of humiliating childhood photos of her in a video montage against her wishes.

Where she’s from, families really enjoy making video montages with pictures of the bride and groom from childhood to adulthood during a wedding reception.

While the intention is really sweet, she was never thrilled with the idea of a video montage because she’s very insecure about how she used to look when she was younger.

She used to be overweight and was often bullied for her appearance growing up, so she despises many of her childhood pictures.

A few years ago, when she attended her close friend’s wedding with her family, they all sat back and watched her video montage, where her friend’s parents included a few embarrassing pictures.

A week later, she brought up the video montage to her parents and stressed that she would never want to see those kinds of photos of herself at her wedding.

Her dad told her she was being unreasonable and that the video montages make a wedding fun, brushing off her concerns.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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