
She Left Her Best Friend’s Wedding Early Without Saying Goodbye Due To The Pain She Was In From Wearing High Heels

IVASHstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Several days ago, this 25-year-old girl attended her 22-year-old best friend’s destination wedding, and she was asked to be a bridesmaid.

Two of their other friends were originally in the wedding party, but they ended up bailing out after realizing the cost of having to travel.

When the day of her best friend’s wedding arrived, she got to the venue early to help her best friend. As she got there, her best friend was getting her makeup done, and her best friend said she should change into her dress while she finished up.

“I have a pretty intense disability,” she explained. “I have severe chronic pains and struggle standing/walking for more than a few minutes at a time, especially without good shoes.”

“If I know I’ll be walking a lot, I use a walker to help with pain. I didn’t bring it to the wedding to make room in my car for our bags. Before changing, I asked when to put on my heels. I knew I would only last a few minutes in them before pain started.”

“I informed her I didn’t bring my walker and was worried about being in my heels for too long and asked if there was somewhere I could sit after changing to be off my feet.”

Her best friend instructed her to put them on and sit down outside with her boyfriend, but she would let her know when she needed her.

During the ceremony, she was the last person in the bridal party to walk down the aisle and the first to exit as well.

The walk wasn’t that long, but after wearing high heels for three hours, she started to really struggle.

IVASHstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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