
She Told Her Sister That She Deserved To Lose Custody Of Her Son After He Was Hospitalized Several Times For Malnourishment

Anatoliy Karlyuk - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Do you know someone who has had their children taken away from them?

It’s a very intense situation to be in, and for one reason or another, it can be hard to show that person any support, especially if they were in the wrong.

One woman recently snapped and told her sister it was her fault her son got taken away from her after an incident with Child Protective Services.

She has a 33-year-old sister who has an eight-year-old son with her husband. A year ago, her nephew was taken from her sister’s care and now lives with his uncles. 

“My nephew was displaying concerning signs regarding food from a young age,” she explained.

“He would gag and puke and refuse to eat. My sister and her husband took him to the doctor and when no physical reason was found, they said he was being fussy and he would eat the food they provided, or he could not eat at all.”

For three years, starting when her nephew was four years old, he was hospitalized several times because he was malnourished. Doctors ran several tests and eventually suggested he be evaluated for autism because of his food aversions.

Her sister and brother-in-law consented to the evaluations, and while doctors ruled out autism, they thought her nephew might have Sensory Processing Disorder because of negative reactions he’d have to certain foods, touches, and smells. 

While doctors suggested her sister and brother-in-law feed her nephew whatever foods he liked, they didn’t comply and would insist that their son eat the food they made for him or not eat at all. Therefore, her nephew was hospitalized a few more times, and her sister and brother-in-law finally revealed they were still enforcing the same harmful food rule at home. 

Anatoliy Karlyuk – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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