
She Walked Out Of A First Date After A Guy Berated Her For Not Wanting To Have Kids

BullRun - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

You may have heard that an increasing number of young women are choosing not to have children. Today, women have more of a say in the matter than their grandmothers did.

And perhaps they are also more aware of the struggles and realities of raising children than previous generations were.

Women who don’t want kids often get judged for it, and the negative reactions typically come from the men they go on dates with.

TikToker Chelsey Lance (@chelseylance) is detailing the events that occurred during a horrible first date, and it involves dealing with criticism for not wanting kids.

She went on a brunch date with a guy that she met on an online dating site. She drove herself to the restaurant, and already, the date did not seem destined to go well because Chelsey despises brunch. But the guy wanted to meet her as soon as possible, so she agreed to go.

When she arrived at the restaurant, she sat in the parking lot and filmed her date walking into the building before she headed inside. He was wearing blue jeans, which she was not a fan of for a first date.

After the date was over, she recorded herself sitting in her car to explain what had happened. Apparently, the date didn’t even last an hour. Chelsey had barely taken a sip of her drink before getting up and leaving.

Somehow, the topic of having kids came up thirty minutes into the date. Chelsey is someone who does not want to have kids, and she is comfortable and confident about that decision.

However, he took her decision not to have kids as a personal insult and started criticizing her. Of course, Chelsey wasn’t going to tolerate his rudeness, so she walked out of the restaurant.

BullRun – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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