
She’s Threatening To Leave Her Husband Because, Now That He’s Finally Successful As An Entrepreneur, He Wants To Open Up Their Marriage For Two Years To “Explore” - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 40-year-old woman and her husband, who is 41, have been married for eight years. But, back when he was in his twenties and early thirties, he decided to embark on a different career path.

Her husband opted to become an entrepreneur– partly because he had a hard time keeping a job. It even got so bad that owning his own business was the only way her husband could possibly earn some money.

Apparently, her husband’s supervisors were either “dumb” or “controlling.” Sometimes, he also just didn’t have enough experience or the right degree for positions that he was willing to “tolerate.”

Finally, some of her husband’s former jobs just have terrible hours. So, with all of this being said, he decided to become an entrepreneur.

“I understand his struggles with all those reasons, and when we started dating 14 years ago, I was the primary breadwinner simply by nature of the fact that I had a steady source of employment,” she recalled.

At the time, her husband also told her that she was only the second serious girlfriend he had ever had. Yes, he did hook up with some women before they met, but most of the women were much older, and the hookups were one-time things.

So, by the time they began dating, her husband was always the person actively pursuing her– claiming he was lucky to have her. He also said that she was “worth the world” because she was different from other New Yorkers and saw “invisible people.”

Anyway, that was almost a decade and a half ago. And now, she and her husband are married and have two daughters together– who are 8 and 5 years old.

Their finances also stabilized by the time they were 35 years old, and she was always supportive of her husband’s business. In fact, she even quit her job to care for their children after he decided to move their family to a nice suburb in Connecticut. – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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