
She Plans To Buy Her Teen Son A Car Soon, But Her Husband Is Upset And Also Wants Her To Buy Each Of Her Stepchildren Cars For Christmas, As Well As Top Off Their College Funds

Brandon Woyshnis - - illustrative purposes only

This woman and her husband signed a prenup before they got married with a lot of stipulations.

They came to an agreement that they would each financially support their own children that they had from prior relationships.

Unfortunately, her husband’s ex-wife constantly used him for money. Plus, she preferred for their finances to be kept separate, anyway.

Since their finances are separate, she and her husband also pay their own bills, while they split the groceries and mortgage 40/60.

Her husband pays 60% of these expenses, and she pays the other 40%. They agreed upon this because she has one child, and her husband has two.

“I understand that to some people, it might seem a bit roommate-ish, but I’ve loved it, and I think it works out great. I don’t care about the money he wastes golfing because it’s his money, not mine. And I can get expensive sushi all the time. Growing up, my parents would always yell at each other about finances, nitpicking each other’s spending,” she said.

She was in graduate school, and her husband worked in finance when they got married.

Her husband has since lost the job he had, in which he made an impressive income, so now he makes 50% less than what he used to.

On the other hand, her career has only progressed over the years.

Brandon Woyshnis – – illustrative purposes only

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