
Her Friend Told Her Fiancé She’s An Embarrassment, And All Their Friends Laugh About Her Behind Her Back - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s pretty well known that when people drink too much, alcohol can sometimes act as a truth serum, and they say or reveal things they shouldn’t.

One woman is unsure of what to do after her friend drunkenly told her fiancé that she’s an embarrassment, and all their friends laugh about her behind her back.

She’s 23 and her best friend is 24. She is in a group of friends who grew up quite wealthy while she didn’t. Instead, she worked really hard as she got older and made a successful life for herself, making a solid amount of money and living in a townhouse with her 25-year-old fiancé.

A few months ago, she went out drinking and dancing with her best friend. They got pretty tipsy, so she brought her friend back to her and her fiancé’s house for the night. She went straight upstairs to sleep when her friend stayed downstairs.

“My fiancé got home later that night, and she was still up having a few more drinks, and they started talking,” she said.

“That’s when she started pouring her heart out to him about being sad that she’s single. So, he sat down and let her talk. She eventually started saying that she was embarrassed to bring me around her other friends and that they all laugh about me when I am not around because I don’t know what it’s ‘really’ like to have money.”

Although she had a different upbringing from her friends, she does the same things they do, like wear designer clothing and discuss her holiday bonuses.

Still, her best friend told her fiancé that their friends still make fun of her. She even went as far as to say she’s not as successful as her.

Looking back on their friendship, she’s realized that her friend hasn’t been nearly as supportive of her success as she used to be. Hearing what she told her fiancé deeply hurt her feelings. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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