
Here’s How To Have A “No Spend Weekend” While Still Participating In Some Fun, Productive Activities

Have an at-home movie night

Look through your streaming services and see their available movies for a movie marathon! Now is the perfect time to have a holiday movie marathon on the couch with friends or on your own. Pull out some snacks from your snack pantry, grab your favorite blanket, and enjoy one of your favorite films or something you’ve been wanting to see.

Read or finish a book

If you have a book that’s been sitting on your shelf half-read, now is the time to finish it. If you’re following through with a no-spend weekend, you have no excuse but to finish that book! Make yourself a warm beverage, get in your favorite comfy spot with good lighting, and see how far you can get. 

Move your body

When you’re practicing a no-spend weekend, it’s like you suddenly have a bunch of time to kill, as you’re not wrapped up in money-spending activities like going out to eat or shopping for hours. If you’re sitting around the house and feeling bored during a no-spend weekend, try a new workout!

You can look up some new workout tutorials on YouTube or simply go for a nice, relaxing walk around your neighborhood. It’ll benefit your well-being and won’t affect your wallet by any means.

Get inventive in the kitchen

Not ordering food or buying groceries you don’t need are essential for getting through a no-spend weekend. I, for one, know that I have an addiction to ordering delivery, and I can also get carried away in the grocery store if I’m not mindful of my budget!

So, instead of throwing in the towel and ordering Uber Eats the moment you don’t know what to make for dinner, get inventive in the kitchen and make something with what you have. Look up a handful of ingredients in your fridge online and see what recipes come up. You’ll be amazed by what delicious creations you can make with only a few pantry staples. 

I know a no-spend weekend is one of those things that’s easier said than done. Even if you can’t get through an entire weekend without spending a bit of money, incorporating some of these budget-friendly activities into your routine will certainly help you out. Good luck!

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