
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Because He Left Her Alone After She Went To The Emergency Room To Have Dinner With His Parents

Andrey Kiselev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Last Friday, this 33-year-old woman had to go to the emergency room after suffering from a neurological event.

“It was terrifying,” she recalled, “And I continue to have symptoms that freak me out.”

There is also potential that she has a blockage or bubble in her carotid artery. That’s why she’s understandably been very sacred, and she told her 30-year-old boyfriend that, too.

Well, the weekend after she had to go to the hospital, she and her boyfriend only had plans to spend some time together. But, on Saturday morning, they received an unexpected call from her boyfriend’s parents– who invited them out to dinner.

Now, at the time, she actually accepted the invitation because she was feeling a bit better.

“This was before I deteriorated through the day after a walk we took,” she said.

So, by the afternoon, when she was no longer feeling well, she told her boyfriend that she wasn’t up for the family dinner anymore and apologized. She also told him that she didn’t want to be left alone.

Despite that, her boyfriend actually just waited for her to fall asleep. Then, he left and went to see his family anyway and ate dinner at a restaurant that was an hour away!

The worst part? Her boyfriend didn’t come back. And even when she tried to tell him that she didn’t think his leaving was okay, he had a pretty lame excuse.

Andrey Kiselev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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