
She’s A Dermatologist Divulging All The Things She Would Never Dare Do To Her Skin

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There are so many skincare tips posted on social media these days that we feel obligated to follow. 

We’ve all heard tips like drinking a lot of water, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen daily to take care of your skin. However, there are some important tips out there on what not to do to your skin that don’t get as much attention.

Dr. Lindsey Zubritsky (@dermguru) is a dermatologist who posts a lot of helpful skincare content on TikTok that can save many viewers from many skincare mishaps.

Recently, she posted a video on some of the things she avoids doing to her skin to protect and take care of it. If you do any of the things she mentions, you may want to stop as soon as possible.

Popping pimples in the ‘danger triangle’

The ‘triangle of death’ or ‘danger triangle’ is often discussed in skincare-related videos. It’s an area of your face from the bridge of your nose to your upper lip.

In her video, Dr. Lindsey explains that when you pop pimples or blemishes in that triangular area of your face, you risk allowing bacteria from your skin to enter your bloodstream, which, in that area, has a direct connection to the skull and brain.

“This can lead to serious infection as well as blindness or even death,” adds Dr. Lindsey.

So, if you tend to pick at your skin in that triangular area of your face, cut it out! 

Studio Romantic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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