
He Stepped In To Sing At His Friend’s Wedding, But His Friend Was Furious That He Changed The Song The Bride Walked Down The Aisle To In Order To Better Match His Voice

When he and Travis talked, Travis was furious with him for not performing “Enchanted” as planned with the other singer, pointing out that they chose that song because it was Taylor’s favorite. In Travis’ view, he should have just sung the song they wanted him to instead of performing something else.

“I defended myself by stating the following: 1. I was following Taylor’s ONE request for no track music. 2. My voice would have ruined any of the video footage because the song didn’t fit my voice. 3. I chose another song that I KNOW he and Taylor loved and that I could actually sing,” he shared.

Expressing all of this didn’t alleviate Travis’ anger, though. In response, Travis repeated his opinion that he should have just performed the song they originally wanted Taylor to walk down the aisle to. When he argued back that Taylor wasn’t upset with him about the song change, Travis forced him to leave.

Later, the wedding party weighed in with their views. The groomsmen sided with Travis and said he was wrong for singing a different song than the one Travis and Taylor originally wanted. Taylor’s bridesmaids sided with him and stood up for him. They agreed with his decision to perform a song he felt confident about that was still fitting for a wedding ceremony.

Throughout all of this, Taylor hasn’t spoken up, most likely because she doesn’t want to get in the middle since she’s now married to Travis and doesn’t want to voice her differing opinion. He’s grateful that Taylor acknowledged that he did his best.

What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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