
She’s Dating A Guy Who’s Completely Awkward, So She’s Wondering If She Should Make A Move And Ask Him To Be Her Boyfriend

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 19-year-old woman, currently going to college, went to a student organization meeting, and she looked across the room, made eye contact with the president of the group, and boom, instant crush.

He, a 22-year-old man, talked to his friends about liking her. They tried to get him to ask her out, but he was too shy.

With a little liquid courage, she made the first move at a party. First-date awkwardness ensued.

“Then there was a long silence, and I was in his arms, and he wouldn’t do anything, so again, I had to make the first move and kiss him,” she explained.

The shy awkwardness continued. Movies, dates, hanging out, and the usual dating stuff continued.

He still struggled with showing affection, and the random awkward silences between topics kept being the norm.

“My only relationship was with an older guy, he was 25 and had many other relationships before me, so being shy and awkward was out of the question,” she said.

“He had a lot of experience, was very direct, knew what to do, and there was a lot of…chemistry between us.”

She goes on to say that she’s liked guys before in middle and high school. She tries not to sound judgemental, but by the time the boys would show interest or get the courage to make a move, her interest had changed.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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