
He Told His Girlfriend That The Reason Why Their Kids Hate Her Cooking Is Because She “Lacks Attention To Detail,” Doesn’t Season Food Properly, And Overcooks Everything

More specifically, he told her that she lacked attention to detail and claimed that was the reason why their children preferred his meals.

He thinks that his girlfriend never seasons any food properly (if she even uses any seasoning at all), and she tends to overcook things very often. That’s why her food usually turns out dry and bland.

“Also, there’s a lack of effort for little things like serving food on warm plates, carving meat too thick, or not cutting it against the grain,” he added.

Well, after he shared his opinion, his girlfriend immediately got upset and accused him of not enjoying her food, either. On top of that, she claimed that if he really felt that way, then he should just start cooking every meal from now on.

“In my opinion, I was just providing her with honest feedback so she could solve a problem that was upsetting her,” he vented.

But now, with his girlfriend so angry at him, he’s been left wondering if admitting the real reason why their kids don’t like her cooking was really a jerky move.

Can you understand why his girlfriend got offended? Even so, does it sound like he was genuinely trying to help her? How can he reconcile this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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