
Here Are Six Clever Strategies For Keeping Your Home Warm And Toasty This Winter Without Running Up Your Heat Bill

So, if you were in need of a sign, it’s time to go to Home Goods and upgrade your set. Swap out your light summer linens and replace them with flannel sheets and thicker duvets.

You can also layer your bed with blankets, which won’t only make you warmer at night but also add a cozy and inviting look to your bedroom.

3. Seal Up Drafty Spaces

Drafty windows and doors are your home’s absolute worst enemy. Any drafts will just fight against your heating system, creating a never-ending cycle that runs your bill up the roof.

So, use either weather stripping or draft stoppers to seal up any pesky gaps. This tiny and inexpensive fix can make a world of difference in retaining heat and keeping out the cold.

4. Humidify Your Home

Did you know that moist air actually feels warmer than dry air? That’s why investing in a solid humidifier can make your home feel warmer even when it isn’t by increasing the humidity level.

And on top of boosting your comfort, humidity can be great for your skin and respiratory system as you battle the cold, dry air throughout winter.

5. Let There Be Light

It’s also helpful to maximize the amount of natural light your home is getting during the daytime hours. So, rip open your curtains, and don’t be afraid to let the sunshine in.

First of all, it will naturally warm up your space– no extra costs included. Plus, it will boost your mood (and we all need a pick-me-up in the winter).

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