
His Kids Are Upset He Moved His Unstable Girlfriend Back Into Their Home, Since They Think He’s Better Off Without Her

Victoria Chudinova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Unfortunately, a lot of us find ourselves still having feelings for people who are reckless and drive us crazy. 

One man has gone against all his loved ones’ advice and ignored their concerns after letting his intense girlfriend move back in with him.

He is the widowed father of two teenagers. His daughter is 18, and his son is 19. They’re both in community college and live at home.

He lost his wife two years ago but has been dating his girlfriend, who’s been living at his house since last June.

His girlfriend is 27-years-old and quite a handful. He thinks she’s beautiful, creative, and passionate. While his kids don’t think she’s a bad person, they’re not big fans of her behavior.

His girlfriend hasn’t had the best track record and isn’t a very stable person. For instance, she can hardly keep a job.

“She has no trouble landing jobs, but she’d only stay an average of two weeks,” he said.

“She is highly reactive to the thought of abandonment, and no matter how much love I give her, it’s like she takes my actions and words and twists them into something sinister and then reacts to it.”

Anytime his girlfriend feels betrayed or abandoned in any way, she retaliates and spreads lies about him to friends. His girlfriend also has issues with paranoia. 

Victoria Chudinova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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