
His Wife Believes He’s Treating His Daughter And Stepdaughter Unequally, But He Doesn’t Think It’s His Problem That His Wife’s Ex Is A “Deadbeat” Dad

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has a 15-year-old daughter from a previous relationship, and the two of them have a close bond.

For her entire life, she has been the quintessential “daddy’s girl.” He assumed that she wouldn’t be this way as she grew older, but their bond has never wavered.

“I like to bring flowers for her every once in a while or surprise her with a small gift. We also have daddy-daughter dates once a week. I also treat her with a lot of respect so that she will know her worth and will never settle for anyone who doesn’t treat her like a princess,” he said.

Two months ago, he and his wife got married. Ironically, his wife also has a 15-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

At the beginning of their relationship, he was honest with his now-wife about how close he and his daughter are and how they spend a lot of quality time together.

At first, she seemed accepting of the dynamic and thought it was sweet. But a few weeks ago, she started expressing her frustration with how much time he devotes to his daughter in comparison to his stepdaughter.

“She thinks I’m treating the kids differently and demands I do the same for her child. To be clear, I treat her with respect, but I don’t feel like I should take her to daddy-daughter dates or give her flowers,” he explained.

During their conversations about this, he suggested the idea of his wife asking her ex to start making these kind gestures to make their daughter feel special.

But she shut this idea down, telling him that her ex would never be willing to put in the effort to take their daughter out or buy her gifts. According to his wife, he should be the one obligated to do so.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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