
If You Live In The Big Apple And Could Use A Break From The Chaos, Here Are Some Idyllic Weekend Getaway Spots Close To New York City

Reid Dalland - - illustrative purposes only

While living and spending time in New York City is fabulous and fun, it can get exhausting.

As you probably know, New York City has been dubbed “the city that never sleeps” because of its fast-paced energy and late-night entertainment hubs and restaurants. As fun as that is, it can get really tiring, and sometimes, you need a break.

Taking a break from New York City often involves getting out of town and going somewhere that isn’t as loud and chaotic.

If you’ve been living or staying in the Big Apple and could use a weekend getaway, here are a few options that aren’t too far away from the city.

The Catskills

Staying near an Airbnb near the beautiful Catskill mountains is an excellent choice for getting out of the city and reconnecting with nature.

There are several adorable New York towns to choose from, like Woodstock, Athens, and Hunter, that have great boutiques, restaurants, bars, and, of course, lovely views of the mountains.

Purchase, New York

Purchase is a great part of New York to visit, especially if you’re interested in art, architecture, and academia. It’s home to the famous SUNY Purchase College, where you can find one of the country’s largest university museums, the Neuberger Museum of Art, which holds artwork from famous artists such as Georgia O’Keefe and Jackson Pollock.

Reid Dalland – – illustrative purposes only

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