
She Picked Her Son Up From A Sleepover After His Friend’s Mom Tried To Force Him To Wear A Diaper

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This 37-year-old woman is a mom to a 10-year-old son named Sam. Her son was invited to attend a sleepover at his friend Taylor’s house, but she was hesitant to let him go since she doesn’t know Taylor’s mom or dad well at all.

She ended up spending some time with Taylor’s parents so she could get to know them prior to allowing Sam to sleep over at Taylor’s house.

She then finalized a sleepover date with Taylor’s mom, and she dropped Sam off that night, reminding him to be on his best behavior.

At approximately 9 p.m. that evening, Sam called her from his basic flip phone she got him in case of emergencies.

Sam told her over the phone that he was very upset and wanted her to pick him up. She asked Sam why, and he informed her that Taylor’s mom was trying to force him to wear a diaper.

She instructed Sam to put Taylor’s mom on the phone, and Taylor’s mom was all huffy with her before saying Sam was misbehaving.

She could hear Sam saying in the background that he really just wanted to go home, so she informed Taylor’s mom that she would come get him in a couple of minutes.

She arrived quickly at Taylor’s house, and Taylor’s dad let her in, apologizing for all of the trouble.

Sam was sitting at the kitchen table with Taylor, still visibly upset. She asked Sam what happened, and he said that since Taylor wets his bed and has to wear a diaper, Taylor’s mom demanded that he put on a diaper, too.

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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