
She Wants To Tell Her Friend To Stop Complaining About Being Poor Since She’s Upper Middle Class Yet Constantly Says She Has No Money

KseniaJoyg - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 16-year-old girl is constantly irritated that her friend, 17, complains about being “poor,” even though it isn’t true.

“My friend is an average, white, upper middle class teen. She has a job, a car, and an entire room filled with things she either paid for or asked for,” she said.

In the beginning of their friendship, these occasional complaints from her friend didn’t bother her. She acknowledged that many people are overdramatic during conversations and say things that aren’t always accurate, giving the example of when people whine about how their lives are so difficult even when they’re privileged and incredibly blessed in life.

She comes from poverty, and her family, as of recently, is now just above the poverty line. When her friend first started whining about supposedly being “poor,” it didn’t offend her, but over time, it started to grate on her nerves.

It especially angers her when her friend vacillates between calling herself “poor” and immediately afterward boasting about her car.

“Keep in mind, her car is brand new, like unused, and came out in 2022 at the earliest,” she explained.

“I don’t even call myself poor, and I literally am. What really blows my mind is that it seems like she doesn’t get it. I think she’s not very socially or economically aware of who she’s talking to.”

Her friend’s family has a hot tub in their backyard, and they own five pets. Their home has five bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and another multipurpose room, so obviously, they have a spacious house.

Plus, her friend purchases new clothing regularly, and since she has a job, she makes enough money to buy what she wants.

KseniaJoyg – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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