
She Wore A Thrifted Gown For Her Wedding, But Her Mother-In-Law Believed It Was Inappropriate, And Now Her Husband Feels Like She Made Him Seem “Cheap”

spaskov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband tied the knot about five months ago, and she wound up wearing a thrifted wedding gown on her big day.

She hadn’t initially planned to wear a second-hand dress. In fact, she’d actually bought it shortly after meeting her husband, and she didn’t even think she would wear it when they got married.

“But I also couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I was in a thrift store and saw a designer wedding dress for $120, which was insane. It also fit like a glove and was very modern,” she recalled.

Now, she claimed to realize that there was a stigma surrounding thrifted wedding gowns, but she really didn’t care about that. After all, most of her wardrobe consists of garments she thrifted, anyway, so she didn’t see any reason to pass up on the high-end gown.

That’s why she purchased the dress, got it dry cleaned, and stored it in her basement until her husband finally popped the big question.

However, after they were officially engaged and she showed him the dress, he wasn’t very happy.

Apparently, her husband believed that using a previously worn wedding dress was bad luck. She eventually got him to cave, though, since she had gone wedding dress shopping a couple of times and could never find a better gown.

“And I felt like it was my dress anyway. I usually don’t instinctively go for something, but that dress called to me,” she added.

So, she did get married in the dress, and everything seemed to be fine. A major upside was that she and her husband didn’t spend a ton of money on their nuptials, mainly because the dress was practically free.

spaskov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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