
A Girl Asked Her To Cover Up Her Scar At The Beach, As It Was Triggering

oatawa - - illustrative purposes only

A couple of years back, this 24-year-old girl had a cancer scare, and she wound up having a biopsy performed on the upper part of one of her legs.

She did receive a scar from that procedure, and though it has faded a bit, it’s quite obvious and 7 centimeters in length.

Although the incident was quite scary, she is grateful that it did not end up being cancer or having a negative impact on her health.

For quite some time after she got her scar, she felt incredibly insecure that it was there. Her fear prevented her from wearing leggings or skirts where you could see the scar’s outline.

Today, she’s accepting of her scar, and she has begun to realize it’s not a huge deal, though sometimes people do ask her how she got it.

Two days ago, she went to the beach with some of her friends, and she decided to put on a bikini.

She was thrilled to be able to tan in the sun, and one of her friends, Anna, ended up bringing another girl named Dana along.

She has met Dana several times, though they’re not exactly close. She is aware that Dana’s mom has cancer, and Dana has created a fundraiser for her mom.

Dana is going through a really tough time, as her dad passed away very recently, and her mom’s cancer has progressed to stage 4.

oatawa – – illustrative purposes only

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