
He And His Friends Saw A Train Seemingly Disappear While It Was Heading Down Some Railroad Tracks, And Years Later, He Stumbled Upon A Book Of Local West Virginia Legends And Learned It Was A “Ghost Train”

“We saw lights coming and even saw smoke coming from the engine (weird, since they don’t use steam engines anymore), but we thought nothing of it and kept waiting. We waited for maybe 30 seconds to a minute when we heard the same noise from earlier. We looked around again and saw nothing. When we turned back, the train was no longer headed toward us. It was just gone,” he explained.

Since the coast was clear, they walked across the railroad tracks, through the woods, down the hill, and to the parked car.

They slept in the car until morning and went about the rest of their day. But the night after their adventure, they discussed how strange and mysterious it was that a train they all saw vanished into thin air. They were shocked that the spooky experience hadn’t terrified them into driving home right after reaching the car.

About two or three years later, he was on military leave and visiting his hometown in West Virginia. He went to a bookstore with his father and brother and ventured into the store’s horror section.

Once he started perusing the books, he noticed a section dedicated to local horror books. His eyes landed on a book with a title like “‘West Virginia Legends.'” He started paging through the book out of curiosity.

“I landed on one section called ‘Ghost Trains in West Virginia.’ I immediately closed the book and sat it down. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and we still talk about it to this day,” he shared.

He’s astounded that he and his friends didn’t even acknowledge how scary the experience was until the following day. In addition, the location of everything made the situation even stranger. The train tracks were parallel to the river and the road around the mountain.

No forks in the tracks existed, so it wasn’t as if the train had veered off in a different direction, and he and his friends had just missed it. The tracks were sandwiched between the road, mountain, and river, so there was nowhere else for the train to go but straight ahead.

To this day, he and his friends have no idea what happened that night. He’s done some online research and stumbled across information about time slips, but he’s unsure if they experienced that. The mystery of the ghost train that he and his friends saw may never be solved.

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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