
He Pretended To Be A Married Woman’s Boyfriend, But Now He’s Falling For Her

Dmitry Tsvetkov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old guy has a pretty interesting story that sounds like something straight out of a movie.

A friend of a friend of his got in touch to ask for a unique favor. This person is a 32-year-old married woman who sadly learned that her husband was cheating on her and had a side chick.

This woman wanted a cute guy to be there with her when she informed her husband that she was filing for divorce.

“Apparently, I looked like her celebrity crush, so I was perfect,” he explained. “We ironed out the details.”

“Her lawyer stated it wouldn’t affect the divorce because adultery doesn’t matter, and they didn’t have a prenup.”

“It was going to be a contentious divorce anyway. I wasn’t going to be in danger. There were no kids.”

He agreed to her plan, and to be honest, he was mesmerized by how organized she was being about such a heartbreaking thing.

He couldn’t figure out why her husband would cheat on her in the first place, as she’s a pretty amazing woman.

So, the plan was set in place, and she informed her husband that she was going to be out of town for a business trip.

Dmitry Tsvetkov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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