
Her Boyfriend Keeps Sending His Ex-Girlfriend Birthday Presents, And She Doesn’t Think It’s Appropriate

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman feels that her her 32-year-old boyfriend has a completely inappropriate relationship with his 29-year-old ex-girlfriend.

Her boyfriend promises he’s only best friends with his ex and has been ever since they split up four years ago.

Her boyfriend actually emotionally cheated on his ex, and they were on and off for some time before calling it quits and maintaining just a friendship.

She has done her very best to be open-minded and accepting of this, but she finds the whole thing utterly bizarre.

She’s been dating her boyfriend for about a year so far, and her boyfriend’s ex is also somewhere behind the scenes, which makes her wildly uneasy.

She also feels like she’s the “new girl” just trying to find a way to fit into his life and that his ex is already an established part of that.

It also really bothered her to find out that her boyfriend’s ex shared all of his streaming accounts with him, and while she had to pay for half of them, her boyfriend’s ex had access without needing to cough up any cash.

Eventually, she informed her boyfriend that it was not acceptable to her, and he did end up taking his ex off the accounts.

However, she had to go into everything and manually delete his ex’s profiles because her name kept showing up every time she went to use Amazon or Netflix, and she got fed up with that.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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