
She Called The Police And Reported The Couple She Was Babysitting For As Missing When She Didn’t Hear From Them

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

On Sunday evening, this 23-year-old girl was asked to babysit for a couple so they could attend a wedding as a date night.

She agreed to watch their two kids, a 13-week-old little boy and a 2-year-old little girl, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., and this wasn’t her first time watching them.

The night went well on her end, and she tucked both kids into bed at 7:30, then picked up the house as the kids slept.

At 10:15 that night, the couple texted her asking if she could stay longer, until midnight, and she said that was no problem at all.

15 minutes after midnight, she hadn’t heard from the couple, so she texted them to see if they were close, yet they never responded.

“I can be pretty anxious, so my mind started thinking they got into an accident or something bad happened,” she explained.

“I didn’t hear from them after 5 minutes and then decided to call, but got no answer. 1 a.m. rolls around, and the baby has already woken up to feed again, and I’m just overly anxious at this point. It’s 1 a.m., and I have no one to call to calm me down.”

“I would never assume that a late parent is just a late parent at 1 a.m. So I am just on our city’s Twitter page, where they’ll let you know road conditions and accidents, seeing if something happened within the last hour and a half but nothing.”

By 2 a.m., she had called the couple 15 times to check in, but they still were not responding to her.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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