
She Doesn’t Want To Go To Her Ex-Boyfriend’s Birthday Party Because He Developed Feelings For Another Girl And Left Her, But Her Best Friend Keeps Saying He Didn’t Do Anything Wrong

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her ex-boyfriend had been dating for two years when she was sadly broken up with. Apparently, her ex admitted that he began developing feelings for another girl, and she’s been left heartbroken ever since.

At the same time, she also thinks that her friends– who are supposed to be her support system– haven’t actually been there for her.

“I feel like no one is acknowledging my grief, and even my own friends are applauding him for being so upfront and honest, but isn’t that the bare minimum?” she said.

“He also thinks that he has a very strong conscience.”

Still, even if her ex came clean about his true feelings, she’s still mad at him for allowing himself to develop feelings for another girl in the first place.

For some context, they are both in their early twenties, and their families believe in getting married early. So did she and her ex-boyfriend, which is why they actually discussed the idea of getting married and having kids in the future during the first year of their relationship.

She believed that their relationship was so solid that she thought her ex was going to propose to her this year, too.

“But now, he just wants to date someone else. And I understand that it is his choice, and he did the right thing, but I don’t get the point of putting him on a pedestal,” she explained.

Following their split, she also wanted to cut contact with her ex in order to process her own emotions and start to move on. Yet, he just kept insisting that they remain friends. Plus, he even invited her to his birthday party, which is set to take place next month!

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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