
He Suspects That His Wife Is Cheating On Him With His Coworker Because His Coworker Casually Mentioned A Tattoo On Her Chest That No One Can Even See When She’s Clothed

GVS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old guy is currently married to his wife, who is 28. But, after one of his colleagues named Matt made a strange comment about her tattoo, he began to suspect that his wife had actually been cheating on him.

For some context, Matt has known his wife for over two years now, ever since he first introduced them to each other at a work event. At the time, Matt also brought along his ex-girlfriend, who he’s no longer with.

“We hit it off as a group and frequently went out on double dates. At the time, there was nothing to be suspicious of, as it was all purely platonic friendships,” he recalled.

Yet, just about a week ago, he and Matt were talking when Matt mentioned how he wanted to get a tattoo on his ribcage. Then, his friend asked, “What is the pain level like? How did your wife find her tattoo?”

Now, this took him by total surprise because his wife’s tattoo is actually located on her chest– meaning it’s not visible with clothes on. So, he had no clue how Matt could have possibly known about such a personal physical detail. After all, he only ever found out about his wife’s tattoo once they actually began sleeping together.

That’s why, ever since Matt mentioned the tattoo, he’s begun questioning his entire relationship with his wife.

“My wife has been somewhat distant when it comes to the bedroom recently, and often, she has been too ‘tired’ or ‘stressed’ to do anything together,” he explained.

In the past, they had hooked up at least four times a week. But, for the past three months, things have been different, and he claims to have especially noticed the change right after Matt made the tattoo comment.

So, he’s actually begun fantasizing about other women, even his younger coworkers, and he feels absolutely awful about it. On the other hand, though, he swears that he simply “cannot control” his thoughts after feeling so “neglected” for so long.

GVS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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