
She Went On A Date With An Man Who Forced Her To Drink Even Though She Was Underage, Wouldn’t Stop Talking About Himself, And Even Pushed Himself On Her

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Some people are allergic to manners and common decency. Much of the time, those people can be found on first dates. TikToker Chloe (@chloeyycho_) is speaking about a dreadful date she went on with an older guy who forced her to drink alcohol and talked endlessly about himself. All in all, it made for a very unpleasant experience.

She met a Korean guy on a dating app named Ethan, who was five years older than her. He was cute, and he seemed pretty interested in her. They exchanged phone numbers and started texting for a bit. Soon enough, he said he wanted to take her on a date.

She told him she would be free on Tuesday at around seven o’clock. He suggested that they meet up at eight o’clock instead at an Italian restaurant. Then, they could grab drinks afterward.

At the time, she was only 19-years-old and didn’t want to drink on the first date. She also didn’t like drinking in general and told him so. He was surprised that she didn’t have a fake ID and said they could just have drinks at the restaurant. She had to make it clear that she did not want to drink at all. Once he was finally on the same page, he said they could just eat and talk.

On the day of the date, she arrived late because traffic had been backed up. He told her not to worry about it and handed her a menu.

They got to chatting, and it was easy to talk to him since they came from the same cultural background. When the server came to take their order, he insisted on ordering a drink. They ended up getting an entire bottle of wine.

She informed him that she really didn’t feel like drinking, but he pointed out that there was a whole bottle, so she felt pressured to drink. The wine was stronger than she thought it would be, and she could feel herself getting a little tipsy, which made it hard to focus on what he was talking about.

At one point, she just stopped talking altogether because he continued bragging about his family. He also mentioned that he didn’t get along with his brother because he didn’t like his girlfriend. When Chloe asked why, he said it was because his girlfriend was a gold digger.

That was the moment she decided there would be no second date with this guy. Not only that, but he also called her a name in Korean, referring to her as a country bumpkin even though she was from Busan, the second biggest city in Korea.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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