
Don’t Feel Bad If You’re Not Walking Down The Aisle Anytime Soon Because These Are All The Reasons Why You Should Really Wait To Get Engaged

There’s less pressure

If you think the pressure to get engaged is a lot to handle, just wait until you have to deal with the pressure of waiting to get married.

Once you’re engaged, so many people will be breathing down your neck, wanting to know all about your wedding plans and when the big day will come. If you’re not planning on getting married within a year of getting engaged, then why rush to get engaged?

You may still need time to build your career

When you’re in your 20s and still figuring out your life and chasing after your dream career, you don’t want anything to tie you down. You should take all the time you need to find your ideal job and settle in the location you need to be in before making such a serious commitment. The same goes for your partner!

You need time to grow

This is an especially important point to think about if you’re considering getting engaged in your early 20s. It’s important to grow as an adult and learn more about who you are before getting married. You’ll also want to learn more about what you want out of your future relationship, which is something that requires time. 

You’ll want to be sure about your partner

When you get engaged at a young age or after only a year or two of dating, there’s less of a chance that you’ll be sure about your partner being “the one.” You need to ensure you and your partner have lived through enough adult experiences together and are on the same page.

For instance, have you two lived together? Have you handled financial situations together? Do you want kids? Do you know where you want to live? These are all very important things to consider before settling down with your partner.

I know there can be a lot of pressure to get engaged by a certain age, but it’s crucial to remember that everyone needs to take that step in their own time. Make sure you feel solid in your career and independent adult life before deciding to officially share it with someone else.

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