
He Refused To Babysit His Girlfriend’s Kids Because He Barely Knows Them, But Now She’s Acting Super Distant - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old guy has only been dating his girlfriend, who is also 25, for one month. Before that, they were in the “talking stage” for about a month, and now, he feels as though their relationship is beginning to get “somewhat serious.”

However, his girlfriend has two kids who are 4-years-old and 2-years-old, and ever since he recently refused to babysit them, things have been tense.

For some context, his girlfriend works two jobs to support her children, and he believes that she’s a great mom.

“I wanna say that I really respect how good of a mother she is to those kids,” he noted.

“That being said, I’ve only met her kids twice, and both times were very briefly– as it should be at the start of a relationship.”

Since his girlfriend is a single mother who’s constantly working, though, she sometimes needs some help, and he understands that. That’s why he’s pitched in with other tasks unrelated to childcare.

“I fixed her car– it was something small, a fuse– and I think she really trusts me,” he recalled.

But, just the other day, his girlfriend called him out of the blue and was crying. Apparently, her babysitter had canceled at the last minute, and she had no one to watch her kids while she was at work.

Then, she wound up asking if he could watch the children for around two hours until her mother was able to get to her house and take it from there. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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