
Her Boyfriend’s Mom Asked To Share A Hotel Room With Them For His Sister’s Wedding, But She Simply Doesn’t Get Along With His Mom And Is Worried About Feeling Uncomfortable

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve been dating someone for a long time, chances are, you’ve had to spend the night in the same place as their family, whether staying over their house or on a vacation with them.

However, how would you feel if you had to share a room with someone from your partner’s family, like their mother?

One woman is unsure what to do after her boyfriend’s mom asked to share a hotel room with them for his sister’s wedding.

Her boyfriend’s sister is going to get married at a nice venue in the mountains. However, since the venue was so expensive, his sister didn’t get any hotel rooms for the family, and everyone was left to find accommodations for themselves.

Since Airbnb’s in the area were also quite pricey, she and her boyfriend decided to get a hotel room for themselves near the venue.

However, things got complicated just when they thought their problem was solved. Now, her boyfriend’s mom wants to share the hotel room with them.

She doesn’t want her boyfriend’s mom in her hotel room for several reasons. For starters, she and his mom don’t get along.

“The two years we have been together, she’s been completely awful,” she said.

“In the past year, his mom and I have been actively avoiding each other. She didn’t even want me to attend the wedding, but his sister invited me. It would be incredibly uncomfortable to share the same hotel room with her.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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