
Her Husband Has Been Incredibly Emotional Ever Since Having A Major Stroke Last Year, So Now She’s Considering Divorcing Him Because He Seems Like A Different Person

zvkate - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 32-year-old woman was seven months pregnant with her first baby, her husband, 40, suffered a massive stroke. Almost a year later, he’s become a new person entirely.

Immediately after his stroke, he began giving her more details of the abuse he endured in his childhood. She’d previously known about the abuse, but she hadn’t known the specifics or severity.

“He keeps becoming super emotional. When he gets tired, he’s likely to start sobbing over nothing. It’s been hard on both of us,” she said.

Once her husband’s family and medical leave was exhausted, he was terminated from his job. It took him a few months to find new employment.

“I couldn’t leave him alone with our newborn daughter because sometimes his hands wouldn’t work properly, or his legs would buckle (physical things that affected him after his stroke),” she explained.

Thankfully, her husband grew physically stronger as time went on. Their daughter is almost 9 months old now, and her husband is still struggling to cope with his emotions, and he rejected seeking therapy. She’s become concerned that her husband could negatively influence their daughter.

Recently, her husband has started saying strange things, but never when they’re in the same room as their baby.

If they start arguing with their daughter in the room, she walks into a different room. She noticed that they were fighting more frequently than they did before her husband’s stroke.

“He’ll say that I’ll just leave him eventually, or that he doesn’t deserve me, and I’ll figure it out on my own soon enough, or that I don’t want him around anymore. It’s not true,” she shared.

zvkate – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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