
He’s Considering Calling Off His Wedding Since His Fiancée Wants To Quit Her Job And Be A Stay-At-Home Housewife After They Get Married

Kate just insisted it would be the best thing for their marriage if she stays at home. Ever since, Kate has routinely been bringing the topic up, much to his dismay.

Kate is inflexible and unwavering in her pursuit of stay-at-home after their wedding day, and he finally watched a few of the videos Kate talked about that showed what the lifestyle was like.

“…I’m sorry, but they come across as really creepy,” he added. “There is this one blonde lady who I swear is one microchip away from going full Stepford wife.”

“I have no problems with housewives in terms of if you live in a huge house and you really can live on one income, but that is not the case for us. More to the point, a housewife seems to be doing something outside the home: doing volunteer work, being a part of a club or society, etc, to fill the time. These tradwifes seem to do nothing but dress like Lucille Ball and cook bread from scratch. It’s bizarre and not something I am looking for in a long-term partner.”

“Kate can not seem to let this go, and she’s become a bit obsessed. She starting to learn new recipes for her new married life as a tradwife but keeps complaining that she doesn’t have time to feed us both properly as a new family because of her job (I told her to do these fancy things on the weekend, but she just shot back she should have all the time), she keeps following these Tiktokers and is starting to get new clothes more fitting for a “tradwife” lifestyle.”

He will not ever agree with Kate quitting her job to stay at home, and he can’t take much more of this since she’s unwilling to listen to his side.

Things have gotten so out of hand that he is honestly considering calling off their wedding. Kate has always had a job since he’s known her, and he doesn’t expect him to be this high-flying career-invested woman, but he does expect her to contribute to their household expenses with a job. Any job.

He also wants his wife to be his equal, and the whole housewife thing doesn’t come across like that to him. He’s creeped out and believes there’s a reason the housewife thing died out in the 1950s.

“Should I call off the wedding?” he wondered. “I am honestly at a loss for what to do. Kate seems committed to doing this tradwife thing, and I am…just not.”

“My best mate tells me now that I’ve reached the point of not wanting to get married anymore that I at least need to really sit down with Kate and tell her straight up where my head is at, but I’ve tried to talk to her before, and she doesn’t budge.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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