
If You Love Wearing Makeup But Hate Wasting Time Applying It, These Eye Looks Require Virtually No Effort And Will Still Elevate Your Whole Outfit

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As a makeup lover, I get really excited about great eye shadow looks. However, perfecting an amazing eyeshadow look and getting everything to look just so can be really time-consuming, even if you’re a makeup expert. 

Crafting a great smokey or sparkly eye takes a good amount of effort, time, and precision. However, not all of us have the time to sit down and focus on our eyeshadow for more than a few minutes every morning. 

If you love wearing daily makeup but don’t have a ton of time to apply it, here are some great eye makeup looks and tips you can recreate that require little to no effort.

Minimalist mascara

If you want to avoid heavy eye makeup looks, consider easing up on the amount of mascara you use. Some people prefer to apply two to three coats of their favorite mascara to mimic a false lash but try applying one light coat for something that is low-key and easy.

One light coat of mascara will get the job done in emphasizing your lashes without overdoing it.

A solid neutral eyeshadow

Sometimes, one of the best ways to apply eye makeup is to rely on a complimentary, neutral eyeshadow shade.

Use a nice beige, nude, or brown colored eyeshadow and lightly apply it all over your eyelids to create a complete makeup look that’s not too complex or time-consuming.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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