
She Asked Her Brother To Walk Her Down The Aisle Because He Raised Her When She Was Young, But Her Dad’s Hurt By Her Decision

innarevyako - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman is currently engaged and wedding planning with her fiancé. But, when she was a young child, her parents suffered from alcoholism, and her living environment was toxic and dangerous.

One night, someone called the cops, and Child Protective Services took her away from her parents. Her amazing older brother saved her and had full custody of her from then on.

“He was my protector and caregiver and worked to provide for me and afford therapy for me. I have precious memories of snuggling him at night when my anxiety was acting up,” she said.

If her brother wasn’t working, he read parenting books, and she thought he was a wonderful parental figure. She deeply loves him and thinks he’s magnificent.

“When I was 14, my parents were allowed to enter my life again. They were very apologetic and made an effort to be part of my life. In their defense, they’ve been trying and have been genuine,” she explained.

Recently, she and her fiancé discussed who she wanted to walk her down the aisle on their wedding day. She explained she hoped her older brother could do it.

“I asked my brother; he was honored and actually got a little emotional because he was so touched,” she shared.

Then, a few days later, her father brought up her wedding and asked if she would allow him to walk her down the aisle.

In response, she informed him that her brother had already accepted this role. Afterward, her father was super stunned and asked why she wanted her brother to walk her down the aisle.

innarevyako – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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