
He Broke Up With His Long-Distance Girlfriend After Realizing She Catfished Him By Sending Photos With Heavy Filters That Looked Nothing Like Her - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old guy and his ex-girlfriend, who is 20, had been in a long-distance relationship for four months.

But they only spoke online and never actually got to meet each other in person. Rather, he and his ex-girlfriend got to know each other over text and phone calls.

However, they never spoke over video calls, and while they exchanged photos of themselves from time to time, his ex was always really hesitant to send pictures of herself.

“I had even asked her one time why that was because she looked nice in the pictures,” he recalled.

Then, while they were talking one day, the topic of photo filters came up, and his ex admitted to using them. So, he asked to see a photo of her without any filters, and she actually refused.

It took a ton of convincing to get his ex to finally send a picture of herself without any filters or editing. And according to him, this made him realize that she looked really different.

“It reminded me of that TikTok trend where people would show themselves with unflattering makeup and clothes and then transition into something attractive,” he explained.

Anyway, after he found out that his ex-girlfriend looked different than he’d thought, he still tried to stay in their relationship for a while. He thought that one day, her difference in appearance might not be that big of a deal for him anymore.

“But, after a few more photos were shared, I highly doubted if I’d find her attractive in real life,” he vented. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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