
She Body Shamed Her Stepsister At A Family Dinner When She Wouldn’t Stop Commenting About Her Weight

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight at some point in your life, you’ve likely had to deal with many unsolicited comments on your body from people close and not-so-close to you.

One woman recently told off her stepsister, who would not stop making comments about her body at a family dinner despite her wishes.

She’s a 22-year-old woman who recently lost 90 pounds after much hard work. She doesn’t visit her parents very often since they live three hours away, but she and her boyfriend recently made the drive for a family dinner.

As soon as she walked through the door of her parents’ house, people began commenting on her weight loss.

“My mom, who knew of me trying to manage my prediabetes, congratulated me on lowering my A1C to normal and keeping it there,” she said.

“Meanwhile, my stepsister said I looked ‘so much better now.’ I said I don’t want to talk about how I look.”

Unfortunately, her stepsister, who’s 40, didn’t listen and kept inserting little comments about her body. She would say things about how boys must like her better now and pointed out specific parts of her body that looked ‘better’ now that she had lost weight.

She felt all of this attention her stepsister was putting on her figure was ironic, considering she knew her stepsister made a messy decision and paid for an expensive surgery to have her bust enlarged despite not having a lot of money.

Her mom tried scolding her stepsister to get her to stop, but she stayed quiet to avoid drama. However, drama became unavoidable at dinner.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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