
Her Mother-In-Law Fat Shamed Her After Giving Birth, So She No Longer Wants To Spend Time With Her

Daniel - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five months ago, this 26-year-old woman and her 26-year-old husband welcomed their first child into the world.

She and her husband are thrilled to be parents and absolutely adore their baby girl. Her family has been a huge support system, making them dinner and also helping them adjust to their new roles as a mom and dad.

In contrast, her in-laws are starkly different from her own family. They rarely visit and expect her and her husband to drive 20 minutes to their house to spend time with them.

Her in-laws also offered essentially no help after she gave birth, which was fine by her. When their baby was three-months-old, they finally brought her to visit her in-laws.

“After the first month, my MIL began commenting about how much she prioritized “losing the baby weight” after she had her first baby,” she explained.

“At first I didn’t think anything of it, I thought she was just voicing her experience as many people do when they are around babies. She then started commenting on my baby’s chubby cheeks and how similar they are to mine.”

“I felt a bit hurt but let it slide once again. The final straw was when my husband was talking to her casually about my wanting to start going on runs again and how we were planning on making it work since our baby is very attached to me.”

Her mother-in-law loudly remarked for the whole family to hear that she should start out walking before going back to running.

She has always been into running and only stopped because of her pregnancy, and this comment hurt her feelings deeply.

Daniel – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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