
She’s Concerned That Her Husband Is Sleeping With One Of His Former Students

But she can’t ignore that he’s struggling with something, and the changes in his routine, as well as his behavior, are giving off red flags.

Additionally, her husband used to do some pretty self-destructive things in his younger years and did get therapy for that, but he stopped going to therapy years ago, and she can fully picture him slipping back into his old ways.

So, she can’t help but worry that her husband is sleeping with his former student because that would explain everything that’s off to her.

“I could just so easily see a scenario where she jumps at the chance to act out her childhood fantasy, and he decides to go for it,” she added.

“…I want to confront him or to snoop through his phone and things, but I also think that I’m maybe just going off of nothing and should just let it go and wait and see. If I’m wrong, I feel like accusing him of this would be borderline unforgivable to him.”

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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