
She’s Dating A Guy A Lot Shorter Than She Is, And She’s Worried About Being Judged By People

Bostan Natalia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman is pretty tall, and she’s around 5’9″ or 5’10” for reference. Not that long ago, she went out on a date with a guy, and he did not list his height in his dating profile.

So, she really had no clue if he would be shorter than her, taller than her, or around her height, and she didn’t ask him about it prior to meeting him.

“When we met, I got into his car, and he (31m) was SO attractive (way better than the pictures),” she explained.

“I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Just beautiful. When we got out of the car, I noticed that he’s actually quite short. My guess is probably around 5’5″. Maybe.”

Her late husband was the same height as her, and all throughout her life she has dated guys that are a minimum of her height, if not taller.

Dating a shorter guy is completely uncharted territory for her. That first date was so wonderful that she has gone on to have four different dates with this guy in less than two weeks.

He’s hilarious, he’s sweet, and they get along great. She really likes him a lot, and she even stopped talking to the guys she was dating previously.

She turned down three different offers for dates this week alone to make time for this new love interest of hers.

She truly has feelings for him, and she is very attracted to him physically, but she can’t really get past his height.

Bostan Natalia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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