
She Thinks Her Dating Standards Might Be Way Too High After Going Out With A Few Guys Recently

Davide Zanin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Five years ago, this 31-year-old woman got out of a serious relationship, and she has been single ever since.

She’s dipping her toe back into the dating pool, but she’s not sure she has the right approach, as she does have a checklist of things she expects in a man.

“They always say to have standards such as not tolerating cheating, dishonesty about money and past, etc, and I agree with all of that,” she explained.

“But I think since I have grown so much over the past five years, I am questioning if my standards/requirements are too high/too difficult.”

As for what’s on her checklist, it’s a list of five straightforward things. The first thing she’s looking for is a man who has financial freedom. She doesn’t want someone she dates to be in debt, and he has to have a reliable income.

The second thing on her list is a healthy lifestyle, and she wants a guy who eats well and exercises too.

The third thing is a guy who has planned out his future in regard to his career and his personal growth.

The fourth box she wants to check is a guy who won’t be jealous or possessive when she wants to spend her free time with her loved ones instead of him. She also expects a man to be sweet and caring overall, as a side note.

The last thing on her list is a guy who’s into cleanliness and will wash his hands after using the bathroom and shower before getting in bed at night.

Davide Zanin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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