
His Friend Called Him Fatphobic After He Said He Wasn’t Interested In Being Set Up On A Date With A Girl Who’s Obese

halayalex - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Many people have friends who are desperate to set them up with someone they know after they experience a breakup or have been single for a while.

However, just because those people are your friends doesn’t mean they are the best matchmakers.

One man recently upset his friend after telling her he didn’t want to date a girl she tried to set him up with because she was too heavy for him.

He’s 25 and has a 28-year-old friend who’s been working hard to get him on a few dates with people she knows.

“She knows I’ve been trying to get back into the serious dating world after the dumpster fire of my last relationship two years ago,” he said.

“She told me she had a friend who was also looking and would be more than happy to set us up on a date. I gladly said yes and asked her kindly to show me some pictures of her so I could see what she looked like.”

His friend went back and forth with him for a while, not wanting to show him any pictures because she wanted her friend to be a surprise.

However, he eventually convinced her and got to see some photos of her friend.

“She was up there in size [and] I’m not trying to be mean here at all, but I just was not interested at all anymore after seeing what she looked like,” he admitted.

halayalex – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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