
He Told His Engaged Friends That Getting Married Without A Prenup Is Like Jumping Out Of A Plane Without A Parachute

He explained to Maggie that even if she and Jimmy ultimately decided not to have a prenuptial agreement, it was still necessary for them to go over their finances.

While he has professional experience as a legal professional, he also has personal experience with discussing finances before he got married.

He pointed out that many people divorce over finances, so it’s crucial that couples talk about money before entering into a marriage.

After he left, Jimmy said he was sorry. Jimmy told him he knew he hadn’t meant to offend him or Maggie and that he cared about them and wanted them to have a happy marriage.

Later, he told some friends what happened, and they said he was a jerk for citing divorce statistics to an engaged couple.

According to his friends, he went too far with the “parachute” comment, but he didn’t agree. He clarified that he didn’t think Jimmy and Maggie should end their engagement, but he thought they needed to grow up and have tough talks about finances before getting married.

Do you think his comments were out of line?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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